Thursday, March 18, 2004

things that make me happy

This blog makes it sound like all I ever think about is this guy crap. Really, that's not all there is to me. So, here's a list of things that make me happy.

- the sky, especially at dusk, when the different gradations of colour transform red orange to midnight blue
- the way babies' fingers curl around my finger by instinct, as part of their desire to learn, it seems
- the smile of a child who finds something in my face to smile about
- puffy, marshmallow clouds
- that particular azure of the sky on a sunny, balmy, cloudless day
- making people understand a piece of music through the way i play it
- delicious, juicy, poetry (e.g. Pablo Neruda)
- random thoughts
- homestarrunner cartoons
- my family!
- my friends!
- the knowledge of what passion feels like
- montreal smoked meat
- watching gilmore girls with my family
- stream-of-consciousness-type conversations with friends
- dancing when no one is watching, including headbanging
- a bubbly bath
- scented candles
- Chopin
- singing
- overcoming stupid fears, like breaking in front of people
- the violin
- knowing that someone has processed what i've said and was helped by it
- discovering the everyday magic that people see in seemingly mundane things
- sitting in a pub with friends
- "first nice day"
- good memories
- my dad's cute puns
- the way my mom and dad hold hands in the mall, the way my mom hugs my dad on the couch, the way they argue about petty things (just like school kids), the way my dad follows my mom upstairs when she's upset and kisses his (and our) way back into her good graces
- that photo of my mom and dad a few Christmasses ago, looking into each other's eyes (my mom a little shyly and my dad playfully), about to kiss
- the way my friends are ALWAYS, ALWAYS there for me
- the weirdness of my friends
- gloomy bear
- taking photos
- Amelie
- the thought of falling in love
- a really, really good book
- free time
- learning
- plants, flowers
- the way my flowering plants are in bloom again---even my 4-year old chrysanthemum (and you thought they were once-only plants from the grocery store!)
- the way my aunt pees her pants if she laughs too hard
- laughing 'til my tummy hurts
- cute stuffed animals
- mind-boggling music
- puzzles
- sunshine
- the moon (and a special place in my heart for a just-before-full moon)
- tori amos
- contemporary piano music
- performing
- confusing people
- getting dressed up for a night on the town
- putting on make-up (which doesn't take me very long at all)
- feeling good
- miss vickie's jalapeno, and sweet chili and sour cream chips
- new electronics
- getting fun e-mails
- the thought of going to europe
- good talks with my brothers
- thai food
- a nice, plump, red, juicy tomato
- seeing someone genuinely having a great time
- hearing taiko drumming
- the feel of a really velvety blood red rose
- glimpses of what it feels like not to care what people think
- that wonderful space where your mind is clear and it seems like your inner sense of feeling is all you've got to go on, a sort of lightness of being
- the way it feels when i believe God has given me a special gift
- Lindt orange chocolate
- being happily drunk, that slightly "swimmy" feeling your head gets
- foot baths
- jasmine and its smell
- hiking way up, up
- those rare moments when i feel like i'm the shit
- the intimate warmth you feel when a special body gets to that specific point of closeness to yours, before contact
- "darkness" - a word i use to describe all those inexplicable feelings or places where it seems only your soul or mind exists
- dark red, sweet, small, perfect strawberries like those that once grew in a small section of the backyard of our old house
- my cousin joe
- people who are really comfortable with themselves
- generosity
- being genuinely appreciated
- cognac
- carefree laughter and energy on a spring day (hell, any day!)
- the impenetrable green of leaves backlit by sunlight
- stars
- shooting stars
- the thought of being up among the highest peaks in the mountains of maolin, taiwan
- the smell of newly published books
- the smell of just-out-of-the-washer-and-dryer clothes
- "mud" - as in crushed, chocolate birthday cake
- the surge of energy, especially when able to use it by jumping or hitting something (not in anger) for the sheer force of being alive
- yellow freesias
- a very ripe black plum, its juices dripping from my lips and running down my arm

That was fun!! I think I'll add to this list if more things come to mind.