Friday, July 09, 2004


My friend's mom says that I am "feisty". I take this as an immense compliment, because this is what I strive for.

Unfortunately, being "feisty" requires a lot of work. It requires you to:
- remind yourself that you are worth waiting for
- remember that the respect you expect of others is justified as long as you give them equal respect
- take a look at the good things in your life regularly
- be ok with not finding a life-long romantic/intellectual sparring partner
- keep discovering things about yourself
- keep discovering things outside of yourself
- allow yourself not be strong without berating yourself for faltering (I find this to be the hardest of all!!)
- accept yourself
- change what you don't like and can change
- overcome stupid fears
- hmmm...I suppose it also requires you to express your feelings no matter how difficult this may be
- stick up for yourself or, alternatively, know when to call it quits
- accept what life throws at you and get up and deal with it

This means that I have to try not to get poked in my heart when I don't hear from him. It hasn't even been that long. I have close friends that I don't hear from in months and yet this doesn't seem to bother me. But perhaps it also means that I recognize my share in not communicating.

But when are you supposed to make the efforts at communication with someone you're interested in and when are you supposed to leave it up to him? Especially when you're friends?

Ah, yes, the age-old When Harry Met Sally Question. I'm at an impasse.

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