Saturday, January 14, 2006


Ever have those moments when suddenly you grow quiet? You're fine and having fun in this really calm way, but you become really aware that you are significantly less talkative than you were earlier.

That happened to me tonight and it sucks when someone notices...actually, it only sucks when there are people you don't know very well around. I probably just came off as this strange girl.

Oh well. First impressions will be as they may be.

My ex is now dating someone else. He told me because he thought I should know. Why? Because he thinks I'm waiting for him? No, I think it's more because there is a connection between us that will always be there. We were truly happy. There was romance, passion, and friendship. We even created together. Music and literature played a big role in our connection.

I marvel at the coming together of people and the way that their separation changes them forever. People have a need to touch and come together, but pulling them apart has such terrible effects that I almost wonder whether we were truly meant to get that close. Or, we are, and we're simply meant to hurt, too. Yeah, yeah, get close, real close...oh, but by the way, it's gonna hurt like hell to come apart, so, um, don't know if you you really wanna do that.

Ok...really sleepy now. I feel babbling coming on, so I'll spare you.

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