Wednesday, January 25, 2006

been working like a hound dog

It's taking all my energy, physically and mentally, to keep stress at bay. I've exercised my right to delegate a bit...funny how I didn't think of it right away.

My friends are either falling in love or not being successful at finding it. I find it hard to keep in touch and make room for quality conversation, targeting those who need it most first. There are still a couple of dear friends that I haven't contacted in ages!

I can't wait until this busy time is over. I need a massage!

An interesting thing...I find that fighting to keep the stress level down, though a very useful coping mechanism, is actually harder work than just diving in and tackling tasks.

Now I'm off to unwind. And then, to sleep.

1 comment:

Artemis said...

That's so true. Working to keep the stress level down is work in itself. Why don't people understand that?