Thursday, September 14, 2006

ever wonder what your eyes say?

I was looking into his eyes today (blech! that sounds clichéd) and he told me that I was making funny faces. I asked, "What kind?"

"Like, you're worried that you're so happy."

I had to pause to see if that was true. It was, in a way. I was searching for a clue in his eyes, trying to see whether he's at all concerned that I might be feeling more than he's ready for.

He notices the slightest shift in my expression. And I mean just a tiny eye-movement that I don't think anyone can notice. He amazes me and there are times when he wants to hold me so tight, so that somehow he can absorb me.

Ahhh...the honeymoon period...

We're so lucky. We tell each other that all the time. It's as if all the hurt was worth it and it's our turn.

Don't get me wrong, we have our moods, but we're happy the other is there.

Man, I'm gushing! It's soooo good!

And yet tonight, we're doing things separately. He's hanging out with friends and I'm seeing a classical concert by myself. I like that we still do this!

~end of gushing~

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