Monday, May 30, 2005

we had a magical time

...except that one of my best friends was with us and at times I felt like they had more of a connection than we two had that day. You know how there are little touches here and there, like how you say something while lightly touching the other's elbow? Well, that's what was happening, but not with me. Man, was I ever jealous about the elbow thing.

I was feeling myself withdraw as we sat for pints, but luckily, I was having such a good time overall that the feeling didn't take over. Later in the night, I was teaching him a dance and I loved the way he held me, the way he was looking at me. At times, across the table, I'd catch his eye.

I still have no idea. I am no doubt frustrating my readers. I'm sorry.

At the end of the night, I definitely felt like we were getting closer, after we were left alone. It was a creeping in of warmth, so subtle that I almost doubt it. Unfortunately, I had to leave so suddenly coz I had to be picked up from the subway. I can't help but wonder what would've happened. I can't help but ask why God let it happen that way.

It's so weird how I felt strange writing "God" just then. I felt like I'd alienate people who read this somehow. But that's what I thought. I guess, deep down, I still believe that there's a purpose for everything...God, destiny, a grand order.

I really want him in my life. Is it that something continues to stop us because there's still a bit of hesitation? Lately, it's been feeling like we're getting closer to something. I really, really hope that this works out. Please, oh please.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Elbow touchesL I love those, yet sometimes I think I will have to scratch out another's eyes for touching his elbow, as if it is NOW MINE.

I am not a frustrated reader, and while I do not turn to god it does not mean that I will stop reading if you do. This is YOUR LIFE you are writing about, don't feel pressured to make a move so that we will have a vicarious thrill. Move into the warmth, take control of the elbow, take your time, and if you need to: PRAY!

I believe that everything works out. It may not work out the way you think that you want it to, but it always works out, one way or the other.

Keep writing. Keep hoping.
