It's an incredibly warm night. Dinner at Everest. I don't know about that pickled Tibetan salad, though. It sure did stink somethin' awful. A little on the bland side, but rather interesting...not palate-tickling enough. A night out with the girls sure can be fun, though. Noticed the cute bartender. It's strange...scratch that...not strange, but different...looking at a cute guy and knowing that I have nothing stopping me from flirting. Not that I do. I mean, he'd have to make the first move. I'm too chicken.
As much as I'm good not kissing him, I think it might be strange kissing someone else.
Anyway. The night is beautiful, the streets slick after the drizzle. People were actually out on the patios! A walk in clubland sure can be fun. The things people wear! Honestly, if you can't walk in stilettos, don't wear them. It's just not hot that way! We weren't dressed for clubland. Wonder what all those guys checking us out were thinking. Maybe something like..."Oh!" (look us up and down), then, dissapointedly, "oh." Ha ha! Yeah that's right! We're a great looking bunch of girls, though. And smart, witty, and funny. Woe on the man that misses us!