Sunday, October 08, 2006

I love playing with my recently acquired digital camera. I can't believe how warm the days are, being in the second week of October. My aim was to put up a pic that was more representative of me somehow. This seemed like the most accurate representation from the number of pics I took yesterday. I had a few options...full colour, accent on the blossoms, or accent on the wood colour. Obviously, I picked this last.

It's got a feel of nostalgia in the shades of gray against the muted colour of the wood. Hmmm...part of me doesn't really want to explain why this feels like the right one to post right now. But, to say just a bit, I do always have a keen sense that everything slips away very, very quickly. I think that because of this knowledge, I'm always grateful for every passing moment. For every not-so-happy moment, too, I know that it, too, will pass. It's not that every present moment is tainted by its passing. On the contrary, I think I see it more fully in that the past is already inherent in it. It contains the elements that make my life richer.

And for all this, I'm truly thankful.