I can't believe it has only been a month since I last posted. It feels like a lot longer.
I've been really busy once again, as prep for the school year takes up all of my days and the greater part of my nights.
I've done quite a bit in this past month, though part of me had wondered what I had actually done all summer. Looking back, I realize that I've managed to do a lot and have had an awesome time.
I went to Florida for a couple of weeks, spent some time at the lake, and took a few afternoons off. So in the end, I'm actually quite satisfied.
Things with B are going really, really well. A couple of nights ago, I opened my eyes drowsily to see him looking at me. I couldn't tell what the look in his eyes was, exactly, because I didn't really open my eyes much, but I could sense the gentleness about his face. I don't know how much time passed before I felt three light kisses on my forehead. I woke up to kisses at various intervals that night.
I have, for the most part, forgotten my fear. There's still a tidbit in me that reminds me that anything can happen to change this, but I find myself just relishing how lucky I am. And of course, the fact that I'm obviously smarter because I always knew this would be a good thing.
I think I should be able to post more frequently after the first couple of weeks of September. Until then, I'm going to be pretty damn busy training staff.
Don't really know how to end this post, except to say that I'm really content...no, happy.